New Mexico Colleges

Find colleges and universities in New Mexico

New Mexico offers a variety of educational options including public universities, community colleges, and other private institutions. Click a school logo to learn more about its history as a college, accreditation status, student population, tuition cost, program listings, and even social network presence. If you want to learn more, click the 'Request Info' button to get free information!

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25 Schools in New Mexico

Number of
New Mexico State University Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Grants, Las Cruces, Las Cruces 250 $4,998 18,497 Request Info >
Olympian University of Cosmetology Alamogordo 6 ** 959 Request Info >
United Education Institute Albuquerque 5 ** ** Request Info >
Art Center Design College Albuquerque 9 $25,685 282 Request Info >
Central New Mexico Community College Albuquerque 89 $2,064 25,411 Request Info >
De Wolff College Hair Styling and Cosmetology Albuquerque 5 ** 115 Request Info >
Southwest Acupuncture College Albuquerque, Santa Fe 1 $0 43 Request Info >
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute Albuquerque 34 $675 635 Request Info >
Universal Therapeutic Massage Institute Albuquerque 1 ** 29 Request Info >
Clovis Community College Clovis 46 $880 4,095 Request Info >
Navajo Technical College Crownpoint 30 $1,500 710 Request Info >
Northern New Mexico College Espanola 80 $2,522 2,064 Request Info >
San Juan College Farmington 65 $768 8,960 Request Info >
New Mexico Junior College Hobbs 54 $1,488 3,278 Request Info >
Massage Therapy Training Institute Inc Las Cruces 1 ** 28 Request Info >
Luna Community College Las Vegas 37 $1,006 1,751 Request Info >
New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas 55 $2,761 3,739 Request Info >
Eastern New Mexico University Portales, Roswell, Ruidoso 146 $3,552 4,679 Request Info >
New Mexico Military Institute Roswell 1 $3,016 415 Request Info >
Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture Santa Fe 10 $2,600 357 Request Info >
Santa Fe Community College Santa Fe 58 $1,434 4,790 Request Info >
St John's College Santa Fe 3 $40,392 545 Request Info >
Western New Mexico University Silver City 81 $3,589 3,138 Request Info >
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro 52 $4,607 1,897 Request Info >
Mesalands Community College Tucumcari 34 $1,675 991 Request Info >