Nationally Accredited US Colleges and Universities
Search over 7,000 nationally and regionally accredited colleges across the country.
If you are looking for a list of accredited colleges, you have come to the right place. is your one-stop site for all things related to obtaining an online degree. Our free services help you find the right school to fit your schedule, financial situation, and other needs so that you can gain the skills and knowledge to help progress your career and life. When you are searching for US colleges, accreditation is extremely important, as it is the one way you can ensure the university is recognized as a quality institution with proper credentials and coursework.

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- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Degrees from nationally and regionally accredited colleges often hold more credit in the eyes of employers, but there are several other benefits as well. Accredited colleges and universities include support with registration, admission, counseling, financial aid, tutoring, and other services. Generally, nationally and state accredited colleges are the only schools that can participate in government student aid programs. As if that weren't enough, credits from US accredited colleges are usually transferable, so if you plan to change schools or attend a physical location later, this saves you the headache of watching it all go to waste.
Looking for nationally accredited colleges and universities can be a headache in and of itself, but with, we give you a list of accredited colleges to make the process simpler. Whether state, regionally or nationally accredited, these listed colleges offer a variety of programs and degrees from which to choose.
If you are looking online for degree programs that fit your lifestyle, degrees from accredited colleges could give you a leg up in the employment market. Browse our collective listing of US accredited colleges and start your future today.