Choosing an Online College Major
Picking a college major can be an overwhelming decision. However, by discovering what fields of study you enjoy and doing a little research, finding a major that interests you can be an enjoyable process.

Choosing a college major can seem like a daunting task. We are constantly bombarded with teachers, parents, and the media telling us that what we choose to study in college will greatly determine our future and career choice. While much of this can be true there are also many misconceptions about choosing a college major and how it will ultimately affect you. This article will discuss some of these misconceptions as well as some important things everyone should know before choosing a major.
Realize that choosing a major is not something that must be done immediately upon college entrance. Most universities don’t require that you declare a major until you are a sophomore, although some specialized majors may require declaration as a freshman. These first two years give you an opportunity to take some general education and elective classes that can help shape the direction of your major. You will be able to take an assortment of different classes and from there be able to decide if you enjoy these subject fields.
What classes/subjects did you enjoy in high school? Some students know as early as elementary school what they want to study and be when they grow up. Unfortunately, most of us don’t enjoy that luxury. High school gives you a great opportunity to explore different areas of learning. If there was something you particularly enjoyed in high school then you may want to pursue it in college and determine your career options in that particular field. It will give you a general idea of where to get started.
Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Are you good at interacting with people, analyzing data, or doing research? Most of us prefer to do things we are good at. It doesn’t make much sense for someone who does poorly in algebra and geometry to major in mathematics. What comes easy to you and seems to be difficult for others?
Without the advantage of a conventional school or university’s career center you don’t have the same resources available to help you make these decisions. Nevertheless, more online schools are offering counselors that you can interact with via chat or email to help you accomplish this. A common mistake for many students is that they believe they have to make every decision in college on their own. While it is ultimately your decision on what you will do, it can be a big mistake not to take advantage of the resources available to you to. Counselors are trained and know about the specifics of a program’s curriculum to help students know exactly what they should expect. For example, an International Relations degree can be comprised mostly of political science classes, but can also require intermediate to advanced level economic and language courses. Make sure you know exactly what classes will be required of you before pursing any major. The best way to do this is by talking to a counselor.
If you pick a major and you come to find out that you don’t like it you have one of two options. You can either tough it out and continue on until you graduate, or you can switch majors. Keep in mind that by switching majors you will have to take some additional classes to fulfill the requirements of your new major, which will most likely postpone graduation. Depending on how far along you are in your studies this may or may not be a feasible option. And while some of us have a hard enough time trying to pick just one major there are others who can’t eliminate the option of several majors. A great aspect about college is the option of studying more than one disciplinary field at a time. If you are the type who wants to be adept in more than one field of study and enjoy the challenges of a higher education then acquiring your degree with a double major or minor may be perfect for you.
For additional help in choosing a major the following website provides useful tips and information: