Bachelor Degree: Is it Right for You?
A Bachelor's degree is generally a four-year college degree program that can help kick start you into a rewarding career. Bachelor's degrees can be pursued in a number of fields and provide vast educational and learning opportunities.

What is a Bachelor’s Degree? A bachelor’s degree, also known as a baccalaureate degree, is awarded to students, by colleges and universities, who have successfully completed a 3 to 4 year course of studies. A bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite for further graduate studies, including law, medicine and advanced business degrees.
Bachelor Degree Fields of Study
The fields of study are varied. A Bachelor of Arts (B.A) can be earned in fields such as economics, foreign languages, education and literature. A Bachelor of Science (B.S) is earned by studying the fields of biology, statistics and nursing. A Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration is available for those who desire to study computers, accounting and finance. If fine arts is what you are interested in, a B.A.A (Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts), is available as is a Bachelor’s Degree in Music. Some educational institutions allow a student to customize a course of studies in which to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Path to Earning Your Bachelor’s Degree
The 3 to 4 years necessary to earn a bachelor’s degree usually begins with a generalized first year of studies. General classes in a wide variety of fields are mandated during your first year. In subsequent years, a “major” must be declared. A major indicates the field of study you intend to specialize in. Also required is a declaration of a “minor” which is normally in a field related to your major, but requires less intensive study. Each school has their own requirements that must be fulfilled before a bachelor’s degree in any field will be awarded. Often times a minimum grade point average is necessary to continue and complete your studies and many colleges require a significant “project” prior to earning your degree. Specific requirements are set forth in college and university handbooks can be found on college and university websites.
A few bachelor’s degrees such as architecture, engineering or degrees from foreign institutions, may take 5-6 years to accomplish. Pre-professional programs are also offered for those interested in pursuing legal, medical and other careers.
Bachelor degrees are issued by accredited educational institutions. To discover more about the accreditation process check The U.S. Department of Education for further information. Check with the appropriate governmental agencies if you are interested in attending a foreign college or university.
An online bachelors degree can be obtained in many fields. It takes a commitment to a 3-4 year course of studies and is necessary for any type of advanced degree. Whether a bachelor’s degree is the right path for you, should be based on your own personal goals. Many careers require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for even entry level positions. Research the fields in which you want to work, to see if a bachelor’s degree is the right educational choice for you.
By Kelly Moser, a writer at