Mid-Continent University

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99 Powell Rd E
Mayfield, KY 42066

According to the school, Mid-Continent University is a Great Commission, Baptist, undergraduate and graduate, teaching institution whose primary purpose is to provide Christ-centered quality higher education. Instruction in the Bible and Liberal Arts is provided to traditional and non-traditional students through on-campus and off-campus programs that equip them for Christian leadership and service in a diverse society. Furthermore, the University seeks to accomplish the following: Mid-Continent University: OUR GOALS To equip and train students for carrying out the Great Commission of Our Lord (Matthew 28: 18-20). To imbue students with a knowledge and understanding of other cultures and international events. To provide a quality education in both the arts and sciences and Biblical Studies from a Christian worldview. To facilitate student development by promoting the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian values for spiritual, intellectual, social and physical maturation. To encourage adult lifelong learning for students of diverse ages and educational levels in our communities. To provide leadership and service opportunities for Mid-Continent University students in our communities. To foster competency in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, analytical reasoning, computer literacy and library research.\r\n\r\n

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